Medicine 3.0
Written by: Our Editorial Team
Last updated: 02/22/2024
Let's face it; medicine is broken. Despite monumental advancements in technology and pharmacology, rates of chronic disease continue to rise. Although the scope of the problem is extensive, its ramifications are often incredibly personal. Nearly all of us have felt the firsthand impact of a suboptimal healthcare system at some point.
Some are told their symptoms aren't "bad enough" to justify comprehensive testing and treatment.
Some are adrift in an ocean of endless referrals to differing specialists.
Some have chronic illnesses that aren’t diagnosed until they are in the back of an ambulance.
“Before becoming a health coach with the Marek Team, I worked as a paramedic, seeing patients on what was often the worst day of their life. In many cases, patients were completely unaware of the underlying conditions responsible for their medical emergency. The current system acts primarily as damage control, and unfortunately, many patients don’t get a chance to address their health until it's too late.”
-Ian O. - Health Coach
While the situation is certainly dire, we should avoid falling prey to a defeatist mentality. The cracks in the current paradigm create the necessary surface area for something new. Sprouts have the power to break pavement.
To transcend the present situation, we must first ask a straightforward question… how did we get here?
We'll save the deep dive into medicine's chaotic and turbulent history for another time. For now, let's focus on the big picture in recent times. The following concepts, coined by Peter Attia, are discussed in his binge-worthy book Outlive: The Science and Art of Longevity.
Medicine 1.0 encompasses the earliest modalities of medicine, which reigned supreme until the mid-late 19th century—characterized by being highly superstitious and stochastic. This era was the wild-west. While groundbreaking discoveries were certainly made during this time, clinical outcomes were poor, and lifespan was short.
Medicine 1.0 Doctor during the bubonic plague. Treatment options included being bound to a featherless chicken, consuming snake meat, fecal matter scrubs, unicorn horn, and therapeutic self-flagellation.
Medicine 2.0 began primarily after the popularization of the microscope, standardization of the scientific method, anddiscovery of antibiotics. The primary objective of Medicine 2.0 is decreasing the likelihood of what Dr. Attia calls "fast death," such as infection, heart attacks, and traumatic injuries. Medicine 2.0 is a reactive model of care, focusing on treating diseases after they've crossed a threshold of severity.
In current times, medicine 2.0 emphasizes strategies to live with chronic diseases. Prevention is often alluded to but rarely prioritized.
Medicine 3.0 represents a cutting-edge prevention-centric approach. Proactivity is the golden standard. To postpone testing and care until an underlying condition is "bad enough" is not the goal of a Medicine 3.0 doctor. The goal is early identification, root cause analysis, and holistic strategy building. Quantity of life or lifespan isn't the only therapeutic target of Medicine 3.0. Healthspan, or quality of life, is heavily considered when designing a personalized protocol for a patient.
Medicine 3.0 acknowledges the need for healthcare providers to exercise their professional judgment and expertise. At Marek Health, our providers have the autonomy to make decisions based on the individual needs of their patients rather than being constrained by rigid protocols or guidelines. This flexibility allows them to deliver truly personalized care, tailoring treatment plans to each patient's lifestyle, circumstances, and unique biological profile.
Our mission at Marek Health is to redefine health, pioneer a new frontier in human performance, and empower individuals to thrive. We don't want our clients to be "not sick." Health should mean infinitely more than the absence of acute sickness. Optimal health looks different for each client. Our goal is to help our clients achieve theirs. We aim to support them in every domain of life. Waking up each morning with vitality, energy, and drive, excelling in their careers, dominating in the gym, and performing in the bedroom. While enhancing your quality of life, we simultaneously address potential blindspots in cardiometabolic health, cancer risk, genetic predisposition, and longevity.
Ready to embark on your journey to optimal health and performance?
Book a free discovery call with us today and let our team at Marek Health guide you toward achieving your unique health goals.
Experience personalized care that goes beyond just treating symptoms and empowers you to thrive in every aspect of life. Together, we'll redefine what true health means for you and help you excel in all areas, from energy levels and career success to physical fitness and overall well-being.