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Guided Optimization

Diagnostic Labs







Guided Optimization

Diagnostic Labs







How To Receive And Store Treatment-card-image

How To Receive And Store Treatment

Our healthcare team walks us through the do’s and don’ts of handling your medications and treatments once they arrive at your home. The importance of safely unboxing, temperature control, and storage location will ensure your recent delivery is as effective as possible.

How To Determine Your Testosterone Dosage-card-image

How To Determine Your Testosterone Dosage

Once treatment is received, understanding quantity and concentration are important. We break the process down into simple math to ensure you draw the correct prescribed dose.

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Different Types Of Oral Medications

There are multiple forms of oral medications that may require special handling. Our healthcare team outlines the various types and functions.

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Guided Optimization Process

Our telehealth platform is known for our individualized care through concierge service and highly trained and experienced partnered providers. Learn more about the steps of becoming part of our community and how you can benefit.

How To Use And Store Cream-card-image

How To Use And Store Cream

Creams and gels have special handling and usage instructions. Be sure you know the best ways with our quick guide.

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How To Draw And Inject

We demonstrate how to self-administer treatment from start to finish while providing tips and tricks along the way

How To Reconstitute And Inject Peptides-card-image

How To Reconstitute And Inject Peptides

Our healthcare team demonstrates the proper method of reconstitution and sub-q injection of treatment such as peptides.