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Take a Look Under the Hood and Optimize Your Health.

Maximize your health with cutting-edge science & expertise.

Danny Jones card image


  • For those who know how to read bloodwork without clinical oversight.
  • Designed to help you track your progress and monitor any changes in your health.
  • An affordable option for a monthly check-up.
  • Results only. (No custom lab report & review included)
  • Does not meet treatment requirements.
Danny Jones card image

Optimization Package

  • Designed for those wanting to optimize their physical, mental, and sexual health.
  • High-accuracy assays with precise biomarkers to provide detailed insights into hormone profile, cardiovascular health, organ function, and metabolic status.
  • Custom lab report with actionable recommendations.
  • Thorough analysis of test results during a 45-minute lab review call with a Marek Health concierge health coach.
  • Meets treatment requirements.


If you've ever questioned whether you're truly optimizing your potential, you're not alone. Sometimes, it's about more than simply pushing yourself harder; it's about understanding the intricate workings of your own body. Insurance companies regularly deny progressive treatment options, primary care physicians refuse to order this level of comprehensive bloodwork and the standards of care lag years behind the leading research. Marek Health represents a paradigm shift in how we approach medicine, empowering those who want the most out of their healthcare and wish to maximize their potential.

The Marek Process


Order & Schedule

Press GET STARTED NOW and choose your desired lab panel. Once your order is placed, you will receive an email with lab draw instructions to locate and schedule an appointment at your nearest diagnostic center.


Blood Draw & Results

Marek will email you your results within 7-14 days of your blood draw. You will also receive a link to complete a health history questionnaire and schedule a 45-minute lab review call via Zoom.


Discover & Diagnose

Meet with a health coach via Zoom for your 45-minute lab review call for an in-depth analysis of your lab report. From there, you'll be eligible to opt-in for a consultation with one of our partnered providers to discuss potential treatment options and map out your personalized treatment plan.

Are you ready to receive personalized care from the comfort of your home?

Disclaimer: Danny is a proud affiliate of Marek Health. He is not a licensed healthcare professional and his recommendations, although not intended to be medical advice, are based on knowledge and/or profound experiences he’s had with Marek Health and their services. Danny recommends these specific labs because they are helpful and useful, not based on the compensation he receives.