Guided Optimization
Diagnostic Labs

Guided Optimization
Diagnostic Labs
Our Favorite Healthy Protein Sources
Written by: Our Editorial Team
Last updated: 04/29/2024
Our Favorite Healthy Protein Sources
Protein, protein, protein…It is the secret weapon to any health journey. But how do you know which one is right for you? Finding the best healthy protein sources for your unique biology and health goals may take some trial and error, but it doesn’t have to be complicated.
When you first commit to healthier living, you’ll find so much information to process— deciphering what’s real, what’s a money grab, and what really applies to you can be tough.
If you take one piece of information from this article, let it be this: sufficient protein is critical for your body. At Marek, we keep our protein simple. Keep reading for our favorite healthy protein sources.
Lean Meats
Our preferred healthy protein source is lean meats. This can include specific cuts of poultry, pork, beef, and ruminant animals. Lean meats offer several benefits beyond just high-quality protein—they’re also high in micronutrients like iron and B vitamins.
Here are some examples of what lean meats to include in your diet:
Poultry: Regarding healthy protein sources, chicken and turkey are best in lean, ground form, or skinless with no visible fat.
Pork: The leanest pork sources are loin and round cuts of meat and bone-in chops.
Beef: Like pork, healthy beef cuts include loin and round, with the addition of sirloin, flat iron, and choice with trimmed fat, as well as lean ground beef.
Ruminant Animals: Other lean meats like venison, bison, elk, etc. are also rich in micronutrients and low in cholesterol and saturated fats.
Next, let’s talk fish—specifically salmon. Salmon offers about 16 grams of protein per single three-oz. serving.
But what separates salmon from other types of fish is what else it offers your body. It’s rich in omega 3, which supports heart and brain function, aids muscle recovery, and can help prevent chronic illness. Additionally, it’s loaded with iron, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B3 and B12, vitamin D, and zinc.
Eggs are an excellent source of protein—The National Library of Medicine even refers to them as “the perfect protein source.” Both egg whites and yolks are high in protein and contain vitamins and minerals that benefit the body. Although they’ve been considered a “controversial” protein source previously, they’re an option that the Marek Health team consistently recommends to anyone looking to up their protein intake.
What to Steer Clear Of
Recognizing which protein sources to avoid is just as important as identifying which are most healthy. Our advice? Try to avoid processed bars and shakes, processed meats, and high-fat cuts.
Although they may be high in protein like their healthier counterparts, processed foods in general, are associated with a higher risk of chronic illnesses and certain cancers. And they don’t offer the same bonus benefits as fresh lean meats, fish, and eggs.
Find What Works for YOU
Ultimately, making choices about the healthy protein sources you should incorporate into your regular eating habits will require some trial and error. Find which examples we’ve laid out here are most enjoyable to you, and eat more of them!
Have questions or want to chat with the Marek team for more information about how we can help you? Schedule your free discovery call today.
Disclaimer: This blog post is intended for informational purposes only and should not be considered medical advice. Consult with a healthcare professional before making any changes to your wellness routine.
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